You may go to for a quick and easy way to pay. To save fees, do not check "goods and services" or I will incur fee which I will pass on to you.
Paypal is free to you and me if the funds come from your bank account or existing paypal funds (no credit or debit card).
You may also follow this site to make payment.
FIRST NOTE: Despite references to a "donation," this is a PAYMENT and not a donation.
SECOND NOTE: If you use a credit card or debit card, using Paypal will require you to pay a higher amount than your normal payment amount. Please add all PayPal fees so the net amount received by me equals your regular payment.
CALCULATING PAYPAL FEES (to add to payment)
If you're good with a calculator, Paypal formula is 2.9% + 30 cents. If not, use REVERSE PAYPAL FEE CALCULATOR link below to easily determine correct amount to pay. If there's a difference between calculator and reverse paypal web site, use the lesser amount.
Just type in your normal rent amount next to "To receive this amount (after fees)" and it will calculate the amount you submit to PayPal.
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